- Meet Our Staff!
- About PS 8
- Mission and Values
- PS 8 Brochure
- PS 8 Handbook
- PTA Exec Board
- PS8 Newsletter
- Library News
(Nov 2006)
Precious Jones-Walker
Parent Coordinator (profile)
- Dept of Ed Calendars and Storm Day Procedures
- School Menus
- Pupil Transportation
- US Dept of Ed
- NYC Dept of Ed
- Inside Schools
LEARNING: - homeworkNYC.org
- Ask Jeeves for Kids
- Library Spot
- How Stuff Works
- Brooklyn Public Library
- Learners Online
- Virtualology Online Museum

Mission and Values
Our Mission
Public School 8 is a creative learning community that is dedicated to having all of its members flourish. Our mission is academic excellence and, in its pursuit, we are committed to the development of the whole child.
Our Values
- Our community is child centered All decisions will be made by putting children?s interests first
- Our community operates with integrity and respect
Ethical and honest behavior in everything we do - Our community is a learning community
Innovation and thoughtful risk taking must be part of our continuous
focus on improvement, including assessment of progress - Our community works as an effective team
Teamwork and collaboration are focused on children - Our community takes responsibility
We search for answers and make no excuses - Our community recognizes the value time
We carefully plan and optimize the time in our community - Our community embraces diversity
We value the diversity of culture, experience, and perspective - Our community is a caring community
We look for the best in each other and we care enough to ask the
hard questions
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??? DID YOU KNOW ???
Box Tops for education fund-raising program benefits PS8! Be sure to clip the Box Top coupons from consumer product packaging and drop them off in the Parent Room

(Read the Timely Notices)
Mar 1 (Thu)